Our Cause
You search the web, we donate to ocean conservation and protection organizations. Ocean Saver is an alternative search engine, which keeps your privacy while donating from its profits to conservation and protection of marine ecosystemsHELP PROTECT OUR OCEANS
Our oceans are essential to life on Earth. Over three- quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans, and holds 97% of the water on the planet. As human activities have evolved, many of the world's oceans have suffered, and now it’s up to us to protect our oceans for future generations. While everyone wants to contribute to the preservation of marine systems and prevent further pollution and destruction, it's not always clear what we can do individually. With that in mind Ocean Saver was created. With your searches, through our website, extension, and App (soon to arrive!) We aim to take part in the restoration and protection of our oceans.Read below HOW IT WORKS 👇🏽
Every click counts! From your searches we will be able to make a difference and help protect marine life. With your searches, we can make this happen!How it works
You search like in any other search engine. We send your query to the search engine, and the results are displayed - unchanged - in your browser or app. Your privacy matters to us, and we do not keep any private information.
Search results sometimes include ads. If you click on an ad, which the search engine presents to you, a percentage of the revenue collected by the search engine reaches our account.
New home
From our profits, we donate to giving back to the plan.